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Carbon Crypto Guide Klimadao Carbon NFTS and Carbon Tokens

TokenTrends Staff



Carbon Crypto Guide Klimadao Carbon NFTS and Carbon Tokens

It can be easy to assume that blockchain is bitcoin, and bitcoin is blockchain. After all, bitcoin dominates the crypto airwaves; it makes a certain amount of sense to assume that blockchain begins and ends there.

The reality is far different. Bitcoin is important, to be sure, but only as a symbol of far greater things to come. Like Ford with the early automobile industry; even if Ford Motors had failed in the 1930s, or after WWII, or even in 2008 – the broader automobile and manufacturing industry would have been largely unaffected.

Blockchain powers Bitcoin, and it’s the success or failure of blockchain technology that will ultimately have a far greater impact than any one cryptocurrency.

1. What is a Blockchain?

A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that can’t be tampered with by any one entity because of its decentralized design. A blockchain is made up of blocks, which are chained together cryptographically. Each block contains a hash pointer (a number) linking it to a previous block, a timestamp, transaction data, and fees.

The combination of these components – the hash pointer, timestamps, and transactions – make up a record or block.

These records are linked like pearls on a string, forming a chain. This chain gets longer every time a new block is added, making the blockchain bigger over time.

Publicity and security

The prospect of a seemingly-endless stack of blocks towering into the digital heavens might be a bit intimidating, but there’s an immense amount of real-world value in it.

Because new block are inextricably linked to the old ones, old data can’t be changed. Previous entries into the ledger are therefore immutable. In addition, the total blockchain functions as an authentic record of all transactions on the chain. The actions of individual wallets, or the sale of individual items, can be easily traced through the blockchain.

Each crypto wallet has a public address and a private key. Users access the blockchain through wallets. The address receives cryptocurrency and other digital assets, sends them on, and can store them, and it’s the address that’s identified in the distributed ledger.
At the same time, private keys secure each individual wallet.

Users can hold assets securely in a wallet while the wallet’s address is publicly visible. The idea is similar to a postal system. Your postman knows where you live and how to pick up and deliver mail, but he doesn’t know what you do at that address.

Decentralized control

Blockchain structure raises a couple of important questions. With everything visible to the public, how are blockchains secured? What guarantees trust in the network?

One way in which blockchains can guarantee security and ledger accuracy is by limiting access. Blockchains can be permissioned or permissionless. Permissioned blockchains require users to obtain special permissions before they can use them. Blockchains designed to be used by one institution are a good example – trust is guaranteed by controlling who has access.

On the other hand, public blockchains face the very real problem of guaranteeing security and trust with a huge number of distributed users, including at some potential bad actors. That’s where cryptography comes in. The cryptographic hash – an algorithmically-generated number – secures each new block on the chain. Change the block, and you change the hash. And if you change the hash, you invalidate the chain, and the change is instantly viewable.

Cryptography guarantees security despite (and perhaps due to) being publicly visible. The longest-running blockchain in the world illustrates this point clearly. It isn’t Bitcoin, or even some private Ivy-League pet project; it’s a simple cryptographic hash published every week in the classifieds of The New York Times. Every week since 1993. Participants in that particular blockchain use that information to validate transactions over the previous week (in this case, security seals issued by a particular company).

The use of cryptography solves one trust-related problem, but it raises another: who, exactly, is allowed to make changes to the chain?

Nodes, mines, and stakes

Nodes are the control points of the blockchain. With a decentralized structure, someone has to validate the chain of transactions, add new transactions to a block, and add the block to the chain. If only one person or entity controls that process, the blockchain isn’t decentralized at all. But if too many entities control it, then there’s little chance for transactions to be processed quickly or efficiently.

In the case of the NYT blockchain, there’s one node – the classified ad itself. Transactions are processed weekly – fast enough for that company’s purposes, but not fast enough for anything like a high-performance digital blockchain.

Using a handful of select nodes solves part of that problem.

Everyone can participate in the chain itself (permissionless), but some kind of entry point is set for nodes. Usually this involves requiring nodes to have certain assets, whether technical (hardware or technical know-how) or in the form of digital assets (typically the token for that particular blockchain).

Nodes govern the chain. The exact method they use is known as the consensus mechanism. Currently, there are two primary consensus mechanisms in widespread use: Proof-of-Work (PoW, aka mining ), and Proof-of-Stake (PoS, or simply staking).

Proof-of-Work requires the use of real-world hardware in order to solve an algorithmic equation and win the right to create the next block on the chain. These chains tend to be energy-intensive, often requiring mass amounts of hardware, and are competitive – miners are essentially fighting each other over the solution.  The most notable PoW chain is, without a doubt, Bitcoin. Ethereum is another well-established PoW chain.

Proof-of-Stake selects Validators who amass a stake of digital currency or tokens. The greater the stake, the more likely the Validator will be to win the block. PoS is less a fight, and more of a race. But it’s not a fair race; the greater the stake, the farther down the track you get to start.

Having said that, there’s always an element of chance, and even smaller stakes might occasionally win the block. Most new blockchains are PoS, as it lends itself to being more easily scalable than the PoW consensus mechansim.

Notable examples include Cardano, NEAR, and Ethereum again. The Ethereum network is a mixed bag; it’s a current PoS chain, that nevertheless still has staking options as it prepares to transition to a PoS mechanism in the near future.

Use-cases: Blockchain in Real Life

Enough technical details. What does the blockchain have to do with the real-world? What makes it more than just an unusually technical thought experiment?

Most importantly, what does it have to do with carbon credits?

Blockchains provide two crucial benefits with real-world uses.

Blockchains allow the coordination of large groups of disparate users.

And, perhaps even more importantly,

Blockchains can guarantee ownership.

The whole idea of a distributed ledger is to tie public addresses, and by extension, shared assets, to individual accounts without sacrificing privacy to a central authority. In theory, this can be done with almost any asset imaginable. Digital currencies are the obvious starting point, but blockchains can also be used with data. That’s all a transaction is, of course, so the entries in a distributed ledger don’t need to be simple sales. They can be data points, non-fungible (unique) tokens tied to real-world or digital assets, or anything else.

The application to carbon credits is especially promising. In a global carbon market beset by problems of quality assurance, the blockchain offers the potential to tie one credit to one project. And that’s just a starting point.

The Crypto Carbon Ecosystem

In their simplest form, blockchains are distributed ledgers for digital information. In an information-driven age, that means that almost any bit of information could, at least in theory, be linked to a blockchain.

Cryptocurrencies still draw the lion’s share of media attention and investor interest. But as the crypto world matures, developers have begun to apply blockchain to one of the other hot markets of recent years: carbon credits.

The idea is simple.

Carbon offsets are a unit of measure, certifying that a particular action, project, or thing has removed the same one metric tonne of CO2. One credit = one tonne. The math is simple, but applying it to the real world proves challenging. 

Measurement – how do you measure how much CO2 a certain set of actions will remove, before it even does so? This can be especially complicated when you add in living organisms, such as trees, as is teh case for the majority of nature-based offsets.

Verification – even if you can measure things accurately, how do you verify that the set of actions did actually result in a measurable offset?

The blockchain can, in theory, help with both of those issues by linking offsets to blockchain-based cryptocurrencies or tokens. The tokens help to incentivise verification, while tokenizing offset projects can ensure correct measurement.

The emerging carbon crypto world is dominated by a number of trends coming together at once. Not all are directly aimed at tokenization. Here are three of the biggest trends that form the crypto carbon ecosystem.

Trend 1: Carbon-friendly Crypto

The OG cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, employed a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism. That mechanism is well-known for being energy-intensive and therefore not particularly environmentally friendly.

Just how unfriendly? It’s hard to nail down for certain, but studies in 2019 put Bitcoin mining as responsible for 22 million metric tonnes of CO2e, roughly the same amount of CO2 emissions as the Netherlands. A significant amount, for sure. And it’s worth noting that even crypto-friendly news sources place recent emissions for 2020 and 2021 even higher – 36 million tonnes and 41 million tonnes, respectively.

However, even the higher numbers pale when compared to global emissions. As a number of outlets noted recently, Bitcoin mining accounted for less than 0.10% of global CO2e. Far less, even, than the CO2e produced by mining and printing traditional fiat currency.

Regardless, the idea of “carbon-hungry crypto” has stuck, particularly with Bitcoin. The result has been to push the crypto world towards a more carbon-friendly approach. Sometimes that takes a particularly mundane form, such as Elon Musk dropping Bitcoin payments and then accepting Dogecoin

In other cases, it can mean developing entirely new ecosystems around more carbon-friendly blockchains. The recent increase in Solana’s exposure owes something to its reputation as a carbon-neutral blockchain. And the industry-wide turn towards Proof-of-Stake instead of Proof-of-Work can be attributed to the former’s more eco-friendly consensus mechanism. 

Trend 2: Tokenized Carbon Offsets

The global market for carbon offsets shows no sign of slowing down, and is seen to be worth billions by the end of the decade. A market growing so fast, and so widespread across the globe, poses unique challenges in verifying and enforcing offsets.

Tokenization answers some of those challenges. Non-fungible tokens are by their very nature unique. That allows some crypto carbon projects, like Moss, to issue NFTs for particular projects or even particular pieces of offset projects. The Amazon NFT by Moss is one of many examples; a far splashier one is the Rimba Raya NFT which sold for $70,000. That’s a single carbon offset, for a price that’s beyond current market value. 

carbon crypto rimba raya

More down-to-earth NFT offset projects include the much-anticipated Save Planet Earth effort, the first to incorporate industry-leading Gold Standard offset verification into its NFT schemes.

Most of these efforts are in the early stages, and there’s little track record on which to assess their performance. But the ability to link carbon offsets to a blockchain offers a solution to a number of VCM problems, such as double counting credits. That promise alone will be enough to drive the NFT offset trend even further.

Trend 3: Blockchain-powered Carbon Exchanges

Carbon NFTs and tokenized offsets are often sold on blockchain-powered carbon exchanges. Abu Dahbi reached carbon neutrality by purchasing offsets on AirCarbon Exchange. The exchange offers offsets from around the globe, but tokenizes them on its own exchange. AirCarbon follows the same model as a traditional commodities exchange to facilitate carbon trading.

Nor is AirCarbon the only game in town. Some of the upcoming efforts follow all three major trends at once: Cambridge University’s proposed carbon exchange will be built on Tezos, another eco-friendly PoS blockchain. 

Other projects often involve aspects of each trend. The CryptoCarbons NFT project produces art-inspired NFTs that are linked to already-generated offsets. But the project also allows users to request custom NFTs created just for them, and linked to a specific number of offsets. 

Major crypto exchanges, like Binance, Coinbase, and others, may sell carbon-related tokens without being a dedicated crypto carbon exchange. Some of the biggest crypto carbon projects, like Klima, Toucan, and others, are only available on these centralized exchanges.

The crypto world is more aware of the need to be eco-friendly. This has led to an ecosystem primed to accept ambitious carbon offset NFT projects and tokenized offsets. 

Leading Carbon Projects

Harness the blockchain, verify carbon credits, and solve two problems with one cutting-edge stone. All the projects on this list promise some variation on that idea; the only challenge is putting everything into practice in a market-friendly, cost-efficient way.

Here are current carbon crypto projects that are generating buzz and drawing some attention. Not all of them are equally successful, and few have established anything like a long-term track record. But all of them offer 


Moss is two projects in one: a popular token (MCO2) and a climate-based NFT project. Both projects rely on the concept of tokenization to incentivize carbon offset production and carbon reduction.

The MCO2 token is available as an ERC-20 token on popular exchanges such as Coinbase. Purchase of the token (trading at $11.46 at time of writing) funds carbon offset projects. Most are based in and around the Amazon rainforest.

Moss doesn’t administer offset projects directly. Instead, they source high-quality offsets from other providers and tokenize them. Each project results in a given amount of offsets; Moss produces a set amount of tokens based on the projected offsets. One MC02 token = an offset for one tonne of CO2.

By burning MC02 tokens, Moss locks in offset projects permanently, reducing the overall supply of offsets in the market and boosting the price of remaining offsets.

The Moss Amazon NFT project operates a bit differently. Moss buys portions of the Amazon that are at-risk for deforestation. That land is then divided into 1-hectare portions, each roughly the size of a football field. The rights to those portions are digitized and tokenized as NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). Each NFT is unique and tied to a unique piece of property.

The Moss Amazon NFTs are actual land sales; proceeds from the sales fund further purchases, with 30% of the proceeds going to a preservation fund. That fund pays for patrolling and physically protecting the Amazon NFT holdings.

Moss distinctives:

  • Amazon NFT based on actual ownership
  • Due diligence for purchase and enforcement
  • Part of the Celo Reserve, supporting a climate-based stablecoin (cUSD, cEUR)
  • Brazil-based


Read the documentation.

KlimaDAO is nothing if not ambitious. Built on the common crypto carbon model of tokenized carbon offsets, Klima is also a DAO. As a Decentralized Autonomous Organization, KlimaDAO aims to boost the price of offsets on the VCM. This is done by purchasing carbon offsets, tokenizing them, and then selling or burning them to influence the market.

carbon crypto klimadaocarbon crypto klimadao

What sets Klima apart is its stated goal to be a carbon-backed currency, rather than simply a marker for credits held in reserve. To that end, all KLIMA tokens are backed 1:1 by reserve holdings in BCT, tokens issued by Toucan (see the next review). 

Put more simply, to mint more KLIMA tokens (and increase supply), KlimaDAO needs to lock away BCT (Basic Carbon Tonne) in the treasury. KLIMA is backed by one BCT 1:1, and BCT is pegged to real-world offsets. Klima’s treasury functions as a blackhole for BCT and carbon offsets, removing them from the market and pushing the carbon price higher.

The DAO structure allows holders of KLIMA to take part in Klima’s governance. Holders can propose new measures and vote on their passage.

KlimaDAO Distinctives

  • DAO structure and governance
  • KLIMA as the currency of a new, carbon-based ecosystem
  • Pegged to the BCT


It’s not enough to describe as a crypto carbon project; Toucan is more about bringing a number of related projects together, each with their own distinctives. 

Toucan helps bridge carbon credits on-chain. Toucan links the Web3 architecture to the decarbonization push. Put another way, Toucan forms the base of a new, carbon-focused Web3 stack.

The core of Toucan’s project is the TCO2, which simply stands for Tokenized CO2. Each TCO2 represents one verified, real-world carbon credit. TCO2’s are semi-fungible, with unique information about each project encoded on-chain. The tokens are Verra verified, linking Toucan to one of the premier carbon offset standards.

The bridging process is complete once the BatchNFTs are approved by a Toucan verifier.

Approved BatchNFTs can then be fractionalized, creating TCO2 tokens. TCO2 tokens can be deposited into Toucan carbon pools, with depositors receiving carbon reference tokens like BCT in return. These pools aggregate liquidity and the carbon reference tokens provide a carbon building block for DeFi and ReFi developers.

Most projects planned for the Toucan stack won’t use the TCO2 directly. Trading TCO2 tokens one-for-one isn’t always possible, simply because the projects each token represents are different. To achieve the necessary liquidity for market projects such as Klima, the TCO2 tokens are fractionalized and pooled.

The first Toucan pool was the BCT pool, with Klima being the first user. The pools are gated, meaning each TCO2 token must have specific attributes to pass the gating criteria. Toucan and Pool Party members are able to set these factors for gating.

Toucan forms the foundation for a Web3 carbon crypto stack. Projects like KlimaDAO build on that stack. Tokenized carbon credits are the key. distinctives

  • TCO2 token
  • Token pooling and gating; BCT token
  • Development of a Web3 carbon crypto stack


Read the whitepaper.

SavePlanetEarth’s self-description captures it all: a “carbon sequestration crypto project.” Structurally, SavePlanetEarth shares similarities with the Toucan/Klima project. The base of the project is tokenization of verified carbon credits, on which an entire ecosystem will be built – a currency and a blockchain powered by green energy.

There are a few key differences; the base token is $SPE, and the verification standard used for the carbon offsets is the Gold Standard, rather than Verra. The SPE project also relies more heavily on NFTs for the initial stage of project management, as well as something called “carbon credit certificates.”

The SPE roadmap includes a multi-level exchange, powered by the $SPE currency, where carbon credits can be bought and sold. It will also encourage external investment by allowing companies to trade their own credits on the exchange, once verified by SPE.

SPE distinctives

  • Phantasma blockchain (with native SPE blockchain in development)
  • Carbon-based exchange in roadmap
  • Uses The Gold Standard verification
  • Projects conform to all 17 of UN Sustainable Development Goals

Other notable projects:

Not every project is as well-developed as the ones above. Some are in the early stages, while others are more narrowly-focused. Here are a few significant projects to keep in mind.


AirCarbonExchange made the news by helping Abu Dhabi’s financial sector achieve full carbon neutrality. As an exchange, ACE sources carbon offset projects and tokenizes them into several different tokens, each tailored to a specific sector of the market. There’s no broader plan; AirCarbonExchange exists to promote the adoption of carbon crypto tokens as a commodity, and to trade them accordingly.

See how it works here.


Base Carbon focuses on funding and support for developing crypto carbon projects. It also serves to source and verify projects for entry into Toucan’s TCO2 and BCT programs.

Details at the link.


Tokenization on the smallest scale – the trees in your backyard. CarbonTokenProject uses an innovative approach of human verification, data oracles, and the blockchain to tokenize trees. With its innovative approach, CarbonTokenProject is probably the first grassroots (treeroots?) carbon crypto initiative.

Read more here.


Another crypto carbon currency, but with a twist: KumoDAO aims to be a USD-pegged stablecoin. Stablecoins pose unique technical challenges, but offer more ease of use with the traditional monetary system. KumoDAO is in the early stages, part of a wave of carbon crypto projects begun in the wake of KlimaDAO’s launch in 2021.

More info here.


We are the editorial team of TokenTrends, where seriousness meets clarity in cryptocurrency analysis. With a robust team of finance and blockchain technology experts, we are dedicated to meticulously exploring complex crypto markets with detailed assessments and an unbiased approach. Our mission is to democratize access to knowledge of emerging financial technologies, ensuring they are understandable and accessible to all. In every article on TokenTrends, we strive to provide content that not only educates, but also empowers our readers, facilitating their integration into the financial digital age.

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Pepe Investors Seek New Rewards From Rival Token Mpeppe (MPEPE) at $0.0007

TokenTrends Staff



Pepe Investors Seek New Rewards From Rival Token Mpeppe (MPEPE) at $0.0007

As the cryptocurrency market continues to expand, investors are constantly looking for new opportunities to maximize their returns. Pepe (PEPE), a meme coin inspired by the iconic Internet character Pepe the Frog, has been a staple in the meme coin arena. However, recent developments have shifted some investors’ attention to a promising new competitor: MPEPE (MPEPE). Currently trading at $0.0007, Mpeppe is attracting significant interest from those looking to diversify and capitalize on the next big thing.

Pepe’s appeal (PEPE)

Pepecoin (PEPE) has carved out a significant niche for itself in the cryptocurrency market, largely due to its vibrant community and roots in internet meme culture. Drawing inspiration from the popular meme character Pepe the Frog, Pepe (PEPE) has captured the attention of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and meme enthusiasts alike. This fusion of humor and community spirit has been instrumental in its rise within the cryptocurrency space.

The continued success of Pepecoin (PEPE) can be attributed to its active and dedicated community. Holders of the coin are known for their enthusiastic promotion on social media platforms, which helps maintain its visibility and popularity. This strong community support has been instrumental in sustaining Pepe (PEPE)’s momentum and driving its market performance. Recent whale activity, such as a massive transfer of 9 trillion PEPE tokens valued at $82 million to Bybit, further highlights the coin’s potential for significant price movements driven by large-scale transactions.

Mpeppe (MPEPE): the rising star

Mpeppe (MPEPE) differentiates itself by merging the realms of sports and cryptocurrency. Drawing inspiration from soccer sensation Kylian Mbappé and leveraging the legacy of the Pepe (PEPE) meme coin, Mpeppe offers a unique appeal that resonates with both sports fans and cryptocurrency investors. This innovative fusion is attracting a diverse and engaged audience, fostering a vibrant community around the token.

A large ecosystem

Differentiating itself from typical meme coins, Mpeppe (MPEPE) features a robust ecosystem that includes gaming and sports betting platforms, NFT collectibles, and social interaction features. These utilities provide real value to users, creating multiple channels for engagement and investment. This comprehensive approach positions Mpeppe as more than just a meme coin, offering a richer and more engaging experience for its users.

Investment Potential of Mpeppe (MPEPE)

Strategic Tokenomics

Mpeppe (MPEPE) has been strategically priced at $0.0007, making it accessible to a wide range of investors. Tokenomics is designed to support long-term growth, with allocations for presales, liquidity, and sports activities. This strategic distribution ensures stability and promotes community engagement, positioning Mpeppe for substantial growth.

Analysts’ optimism

Market analysts are optimistic about the potential of Mpeppe (MPEPE). The coin’s innovative approach, strong community, and strategic partnerships are expected to drive significant price increases. Early investors stand to benefit from substantial returns as Mpeppe gains traction in the market. Analysts note that Mpeppe’s combination of utility and community engagement positions it well for future growth, especially as the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve.

The impact of similar competing businesses

Driving Innovation

Competition between similar assets such as Pepe (PEPE) and Mpeppe (MPEPE) is a catalyst for innovation. Each project strives to outdo the other, resulting in continuous improvements and new features. This dynamic competition benefits investors, offering them better and more advanced products.

Market diversification

Having multiple competing assets in the market promotes diversification. Investors have more options to choose from, which can help spread risk and potentially increase returns. The presence of strong contenders like Pepe (PEPE) and Mpeppe (MPEPE) ensures a vibrant and resilient crypto ecosystem.

Increased market interest

Competition between similar assets also generates increased market interest. As projects compete for attention, they attract more investors and media coverage, leading to increased visibility and adoption. This increased interest can drive further investment and growth in the sector.

The Future of Mpeppe (MPEPE)

Strategic development

Mpeppe (MPEPE) has a clear and ambitious roadmap for the future. Development plans include expanding its gaming and sports betting platforms, launching new NFT collections, and forming strategic partnerships. These initiatives are designed to improve user experience and drive market growth.

Community Growth

The success of Mpeppe (MPEPE) will largely depend on its ability to build and sustain a strong community. By focusing on engagement and providing valuable utility, Mpeppe aims to foster a loyal and active user base. This community-driven approach is expected to play a significant role in its long-term success.

Conclusion: A New Horizon for Meme Coin Investors

In conclusion, while Pepe (PEPE) has established itself as a significant player in the meme coin market, Mpeppe (MPEPE) offers a fresh and innovative approach that is capturing the interest of investors. With its strategic pricing, comprehensive ecosystem, and potential for high returns, Mpeppe (MPEPE) represents an exciting opportunity for those looking to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolios. As always, investors should stay informed and consider multiple factors before making investment decisions. Embrace the potential of Mpeppe (MPEPE) and join the journey to new rewards in the cryptocurrency world.

For more information on the pre-sale of Mpeppe (MPEPE):

Visit Mpeppe (MPEPE)

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Golem Project Joins ETH Staking Frenzy, Locks Up 40,000 Tokens

TokenTrends Staff



Golem Project Joins ETH Staking Frenzy, Locks Up 40,000 Tokens
  • The Golem project has moved over $124 million in ETH for staking.
  • Ethereum staking frenzy has increased ahead of the launch of spot ETH ETFs in the US.

Ethereal [ETH]The Project Golem-based distributed computing marketplace has joined the ETH staking frenzy.

On July 11, contrary to its recent sell-off, the company reportedly staked 40K ETH worth over $124.6 million, according to Lookonchain data.

Golem Network has confirmed its Ethereum staking initiative and said its purpose was to “create space” to help participants contribute to the network.

“The Golem Ecosystem Fund is officially launched today! We have staked 40,000 ETH from Golem’s treasury. This will create a space where developers, researchers, and entrepreneurs can bring their ideas to life and contribute to the Golem Network and its ecosystem!”

Ethereum Staking Frenzy

The staking frenzy has infected Ethereum, with just days to go until the potential launch of a spot ETH ETF in the United States. Recently, an unmarked address blocked over 6K ETH.

The Golem project’s decision to lock up 40K ETH on July 11th pushed the total ETH locked up to Chain of lights at an all-time high of 47.5 million ETH, worth over $140 billion based on market prices at press time.

Beacon Chain is Ethereum’s system that manages the validation of new blocks.

Ethereum Staking

Source: Etherscan

According to a recent AMBCrypto relationshipIncreased ETH staking ahead of the debut of the ETH spot ETF in the US has underscored bullish sentiment.

More ETH has been moved from exchanges, further strengthening bullish expectations.

Meanwhile, from a short-term perspective, many addresses were losing at the $3.2K and $3.5K levels. Investors could try to take a profit if they break even.

These prices represent key levels to watch in the short term.

Ethereum StakingEthereum Staking

Source: IntoTheBlock

Next: Why Bitcoin Must Surpass $61K Soon, According to Analysts


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BlockDAG Thrives While Chainlink and FTM Tokens Decline

TokenTrends Staff



Chainlink Tokens Unlock, Fantom (FTM) Price and Crypto Traders Prefer BlockDAG

As the cryptocurrency space turns bearish, giants like Chainlink and Fantom are facing setbacks with declining trends for LINK and FTM. Amid these changes, BlockDAG emerges as a prime target due to its promising pre-sales and long-term prospects. This Layer-1 project boasts an innovative Low Code No Code ecosystem, attracting investors with potential ROIs exceeding 30,000x. The pre-sales momentum has already accumulated over $57.6 million, driven by growing investor enthusiasm.

Impact of Chainlink’s Recent Token Release

Chainlink’s recent move to release 21 million LINK tokens, worth approximately $295 million, from its dormant supply contracts has significant market implications. This release sent 18.25 million LINK to Binance, fueling speculation that the price will drop. LINK is currently trading at $13.64, approaching its critical support at $13.5, with the potential to drop to $10 if this level breaks.

These releases, increasing the circulating supply above 600 million LINK, have previously maintained price stability, but the prevailing bearish conditions could alter this trend. With 391.5 million LINK pending release, market caution persists.

Fantom (FTM) Market Position Dynamics

Fantom experienced a strong buying spree last November, but its valuation has been challenging lately. After peaking near $1.20 in March, subsequent resistance and profit-taking pushed its price lower. FTM recently dipped below the crucial $0.600 mark but found some ground around $0.500. Fantom is currently valued at $0.559 with a market cap of $1.67 billion and daily trading volume of $257.56 million.

The Fantom Foundation’s decision to award over 55,000 FTMs quarterly to major dApps on the Opera network has invigorated user participation. Indicators such as RSI and MACD suggest a possible bounce if it surpasses the $0.600 mark. Failure to break above the 200-day EMA could prolong the bearish outlook.

BlockDAG Pre-Sale Triumph and Innovative Platform

BlockDAG’s pioneering low-code/no-code platform enables the seamless creation of utility tokens, meme tokens, and NFTs, catering to a broad user base. Its intuitive templates allow enthusiasts to quickly launch and customize projects, thereby democratizing blockchain development and accelerating market entry.

The cutting-edge features of this platform have attracted cryptocurrency investors, significantly increasing the interest in the presale. BlockDAG has successfully raised over $57.6 million, witnessing a 1300% escalation in the coin’s value from $0.001 to $0.014 in its 19th batch. This impressive rise underscores the immense return potential of BlockDAG for early backers.

Additionally, BlockDAG’s commitment to expanding its ecosystem extends to supporting the development of decentralized apps. This fosters a wide range of new projects in the blockchain domain, from digital art platforms to tokenized assets, enriching the blockchain ecosystem.

Key observations

While Chainlink and Fantom are currently navigating bearish trends due to token releases and resistance hurdles, BlockDAG’s innovative low-code/no-code framework positions it as an attractive investment option. With a presale raise of over $57.6 million and prices skyrocketing 1300% in recent batches, BlockDAG shows tremendous potential for returns of up to 30,000x. Amidst the market volatility impacting Chainlink Tokens and Fantom, BlockDAG stands out as a promising avenue for cryptocurrency traders.

Sign up for BlockDAG Pre-Sale now:




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a new era for DEX tokens

TokenTrends Staff




The DEX aggregator Anger Trading is about to issue its RAGE token on the new Layer 1 blockchain Hyperliquid. The token sale is scheduled for August 7, with 20 million tokens out of a total supply of 100 million available on Fjord Foundry at a fixed price of $0.30.

Additionally, the “Rage Quit” feature has been introduced, which allows private investors to get their allocation early by accepting a 60% cut.

RAGE will be among the first tokens to be launched on Hyperliquidmarking a significant moment for this new blockchain. Let’s see all the details below.

DEX News Rage Trade: New RAGE Token Arrives on Hyperliquid

As expected, decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator Rage Trade has announced the issuance of its new token ANGER. The launch is happening through a liquidity generation event and token sale on Fjord Foundry, scheduled for August 7th.

The token will be launched on the newly launched layer 1 blockchain Hyperliquidwhich has rapidly gained popularity due to its decentralized perpetual exchange.

Rage Trade currently aggregates platforms such as GMX, Synthetix, Dydx, Aevo and Hyperliquid, allowing traders to manage their positions across multiple blockchains and earn incentives.

During the event, 20 million RAGE tokens will be sold at a fixed price of $0.30, while another nine million will be used to inject liquidity into Hyperliquid.

Additionally, six million tokens have been reserved for future market making and product development incentives.

The token will have a total supply of 100 million, with 20% earmarked for sale and 30% for community treasury. The latter is subject to a 12-month lock-up period and a 24-month linear release.

The “Rage Quit” feature introduces a deflationary mechanismThis allows private investors and recipients of the air launch to receive their assignment after an initial three-month stalemate, accepting a 60% cut.

Rage Trade has chosen Hyperliquid as the platform for its token after the network became the preferred choice of users of the Anger Aggregatorwith over 1,300 users generating $445 million in volume.

Hyperliquid surpasses dYdX in TVL

Hyperliquid, the exchange decentralized based on Referee, recently introduced a new points program, which has catalyzed significant growth in total value locked (TVL) on the platform.

According to data from DefiLlama, Hyperliquid has reached a TVL of $530 million, surpassing dYdX’s $484 million and reaching a new all-time high.

This figure places Hyperliquid in second place among derivatives platforms, just behind GMX, which maintains a TVL of $542 million.

Rounding out the top five platforms by TVL are Solana-based Jupiter with $415 million and Drift with $365 million. Hyperliquid had a stellar year in 2024, jumping from eighth to second place in just six weeks.

This rapid increase was largely attributed to the new Hyperliquid points program, which launched on May 29.

The points program provides for the distribution of 700,000 points weekly for four months. With an additional 2 million points awarded for activity between May 1 and May 28.

Despite community criticism over the decision to extend the incentive program and delay the token launch and airdrop, the platform has continued to attract numerous traders.

From Perpetual DEX to Layer 1

Steven, founding member of Capital Yuntwhich has backed some of the largest cryptocurrency firms, including Zerion, noted that Hyperliquid has distributed approximately 51 million points in four periods.

He further stressed that the project aims to reward its early adopters and move from simply being a perpetual DEX to a true Layer 1:

“The team is clearly making an effort to communicate that Hyperliquid is an L1 and not just a DEX for derivatives.”

Furthermore, he highlighted that the token holders PURSUE were significantly rewarded, with a 23% increase in the token’s value.

PURR was the first spot token launched on Hyperliquid and looks set to continue receiving attention and incentives from the platform.


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